BIND 9.0.1rc1

Andreas Gustafsson Andreas.Gustafsson at
Sat Nov 4 01:37:24 UTC 2000

BIND 9.0.1rc1 is now available.  This is a release candidate for BIND 9.0.1,
a maintenance release fixing a number of bugs found in BIND 9.0.0.

BIND 9.0.1rc1 can be downloaded from:

The PGP signature of the distribution is at

The signature was generated with the ISC public key, which is available
at <>.

Enclosed is the README file included with the distribution kit.



	BIND version 9 is a major rewrite of nearly all aspects of the
	underlying BIND architecture.  Some of the important features of
	BIND 9 are:

		- DNS Security
			DNSSEC (signed zones)
			TSIG (signed DNS requests)

		- IP version 6
			Answers DNS queries on IPv6 sockets
			IPv6 resource records (A6, DNAME, etc.)
			Bitstring Labels
			Experimental IPv6 Resolver Library

		- DNS Protocol Enhancements
			IXFR, DDNS, Notify, EDNS0
			Improved standards conformance

		- Views
			One server process can provide multiple "views" of
			the DNS namespace, e.g. an "inside" view to certain
			clients, and an "outside" view to others.

		- Multiprocessor Support

		- Improved Portability Architecture

	BIND version 9 development has been underwritten by the following

		Sun Microsystems, Inc.
		Hewlett Packard
		Compaq Computer Corporation
		Process Software Corporation
		Silicon Graphics, Inc.
		Network Associates, Inc.
		U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency
		USENIX Association
		Stichting NLnet - NLnet Foundation

BIND 9.0.1rc1

	BIND 9.0.1rc1 is a release candidate for BIND 9.0.1.  BIND 9.0.1
	will be a maintenance release, containing fixes for a number of
	bugs in BIND 9.0.0 but no new features (with the exception of
	a few minor features added to dig, host, and nslookup).

	Like BIND 9.0.0, BIND 9.0.1 is primarily a name server software
	distribution.  In addition to the name server, it also includes 
	a new lightweight stub resolver library and associated resolver
	daemon that fully support forward and reverse lookups of both
	IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.  This library is still considered
	experimental and is not a complete replacement for the BIND 8
	resolver library.  In particular, applications that use the
	BIND 8 res_* functions to perform DNS queries or dynamic
	updates still need to be linked against the BIND 8 libraries.

	BIND 9.0.1 is capable of acting as an authoritative server
	for DNSSEC secured zones.  This functionality is believed to
	be stable and complete except for lacking support for wildcard
	records in secure zones.

	When acting as a caching server, BIND 9.0.1 can be configured
	to perform DNSSEC secure resolution on behalf of its clients.
	This part of the DNSSEC implementation is still considered
	experimental.  For detailed information about the state of the
	DNSSEC implementation, see the file doc/misc/dnssec.

	There are a few known bugs:

		The option "query-source * port 53;" will not work as
		expected.  Instead of the wildcard address "*", you need 
		to use an explicit source IP address.

		On some systems, IPv6 and IPv4 sockets interact in
		unexpected ways.  For details, see doc/misc/ipv6.
		To reduce the impact of these problems, the server
		no longer listens for requests on IPv6 addresses
		by default.  If you need to accept DNS queries over
		IPv6, you must specify "listen-on-v6 { any; };"
		in the named.conf options statement.

		There are known problems with thread signal handling 
		under Solaris 2.6.

		The "isc_timer_reset" test sometimes fails on HP-UX 11
		for unknown reasons, but the server itself seems to
		run fine.

		On FreeBSD systems, the server logs error messages
		like "fcntl(8, F_SETFL, 4): Inappropriate ioctl for
		device".  This is due to a bug in the FreeBSD
		/dev/random device.  The bug has been reported
		to the FreeBSD maintainers.  A similar problem is
		reported to exist on OpenBSD.

		The configure option --disable-ipv6 is not functional.

		--with-libtool does not work on AIX.


	BIND 9 currently requires a UNIX system with an ANSI C compiler,
	basic POSIX support, and a good pthreads implementation.

	We've had successful builds and tests on the following systems:

		AIX 4.3
		COMPAQ Tru64 UNIX 4.0D
		COMPAQ Tru64 UNIX 5 (with IPv6 EAK)
		FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE
		HP-UX 11
		IRIX64 6.5
		NetBSD-current (with unproven-pthreads-0.17)
		Red Hat Linux 6.0, 6.1, 6.2
		Solaris 2.6, 7, 8

	Additionally, we have unverified reports of success from users
	of the following systems:

		Slackware Linux 7.0 with 2.4.0-test6 kernel and glibc 2.1.3
		OpenBSD 2.6, 2.8

	To build, just


	Several environment variables that can be set before running
	configure will affect compilation:

		The C compiler to use.	configure tries to figure
		out the right one for supported systems.

		C compiler flags.  Defaults to include -g and/or -O2
		as supported by the compiler.

		System header file directories.	 Can be used to specify
		where add-on thread or IPv6 support is, for example.
		Defaults to empty string.

		Any additional preprocessor symbols you want defined.
		Defaults to empty string.

	To build shared libraries, specify "--with-libtool" on the
	configure command line.

	If your operating system has integrated support for IPv6, it
	will be used automatically.  If you have installed KAME IPv6
	separately, use "--with-kame[=PATH]" to specify its location.
	To see additional configure options, run "configure --help".

	"make install" will install "named" and the various BIND 9 libraries.
	By default, installation is into /usr/local, but this can be changed
	with the "--prefix" option when running "configure".

	If you're planning on making changes to the BIND 9 source, you
	should also "make depend".  If you're using Emacs, you might find
	"make tags" helpful.

	Building with gcc is not supported, unless gcc is the vendor's usual
	compiler (e.g. the various BSD systems, Linux).

	Parts of the library can be tested by running "make test" from the
	bin/tests subdirectory.


	The BIND 9 Administrator Reference Manual is included with the
	source distribution in DocBook XML and HTML format, in the
	doc/arm directory.

	Some of the programs in the BIND 9 distribution have man pages
	under the doc/man directory.  In particular, the command line
	options of "named" are documented in doc/man/bind/named.8.

	The man pages are currently not installed automatically by
	"make install".

	If you are upgrading from BIND 8, please read the migration
	notes in doc/misc/migration.

Bug Reports and Mailing Lists

	Bugs reports should be sent to

		bind9-bugs at

	To join the BIND 9 Users mailing list, send mail to

		bind9-users-request at

	If you're planning on making changes to the BIND 9 source
	code, you might want to join the BIND 9 Workers mailing list.
	Send mail to

		bind9-workers-request at

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