Planning to stop exporting BIND libraries

Victoria Risk vicky at
Fri Mar 23 12:30:26 UTC 2018

BIND currently exports number of libraries, including libisc, libisccfg, libirs, libisccc, libdns and libbind9.

We don’t know of any external projects that use these libraries.  Keeping the ABI and API stable is big burden, and we are exploring the possibility of merging all the libraries into a tightly-coupled private library that wouldn't be used outside of BIND (and tools). This change would effectively make those libraries private.  

BIND 9.14 in 2019 would be the first release that would drop the libraries.

The BIND 9.11 ESV would keep those libraries until 2022, so any external users would have enough time to migrate to other DNS libraries.

Known external users of libisc and friends:
- ISC DHCP (will continue using BIND 9.11 libraries)
- dnsperf (either use BIND 9.11 libraries, or offer ISC project)

Please let us know if you see a significant problem with this plan, including which library you are using and how you are using it.

Thank you


Victoria Risk
Product Manager
Internet Systems Consortium
vicky at

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