Capitalization of domain names

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Aug 9 18:11:12 UTC 1999

>>>>> "David" == David Kelly <david at> writes:

    David> I have had a problem sending mail (via sendmail 8.9.3) to a domain that
    David> has its primary mail exchanger listing in mixed case.

    David> i.e.

DNS lookups are case insensitive, so unless you tell us what the
actual domain is, we can't tell you what's wrong. The most likely
explanation is doesn't exist or has badly broken name
servers and/or a mangled delegation. Or they could have a broken mail
system that generates junk mail headers with unrepliable addresses.
BTW, the name servers listed for the *real* don't seem to
be responding. However since this is an example "placeholder" domain,
this isn't unreasonable or unexpected.

    David> Zimbabwe's Finest Internet Service Provider


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