Establishing an internal root server

Michael Voight mvoight at
Fri Aug 13 19:04:26 UTC 1999

You create a root zone like any other zone.
You then become primary (4.x) or master (8.x) for root and do not
a cache zone. If you are primary for root, you do not have a "cache .
<filename>" in named.boot, you have a "primary . <filename>" line.

Michael Voight

Steve Hammill wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who helped me get my DNS server working last
> weekend.  Now I'm hoping to get it totally right.
> We do not have an Internet connection.  Can I establish our primary as a
> pseudo-root by giving the A server in db.cache my DNS address and
> deleting the rest?
> Or is there a "proper" way to do it.  I couldn't find it in DNS/Bind,
> but I might not have been using the correct terminology.
> Again TIA,
> Steve

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