Caching-only nameserver for internal network

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Thu Aug 19 17:00:30 UTC 1999

Michiel Kreutzer wrote:
> The problem I face now is that if I use firewall's ip-number as the only
> nameserver for the other boxes, I cannot resolve any names. At least
> nslookup does not work, both in ip#-to-hostname and hostname-to-ip#
> mode.

I have an almost identical setup.  I was getting 'Non-existent
host/domain' messages every time I tried to use nslookup from an
internal machine, even though lookups by other programs seemed to be
working.  I had to add this to my /etc/named.conf to get nslookup to
work on the 192.168.1.* machines:

zone "" {
        type master;
        file "named.local";

The internal address of the firewall/router/DNS server is 
Worked like a charm.  Maybe this should be in the HOWTO...

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