Persistent inverse query

mikewise99 at mikewise99 at
Wed Aug 25 21:44:12 UTC 1999

For some reason (no doubt having to do with the way I have things
configured) my named keeps doing inverse queries, thereby triggering my
Dial-on-demand ISDN line and spending money. Not good. I turned on query
logging and got the following:

09:20:16 ...XX /
09:20:16 ...XX /
09:20:55 .. XX /
09:20:55 ...XX /
09:21:05 ...XX /
09:21:05 ...XX /
09:22:20 ...XX /
09:22:25 ...XX /
09:22:30 ...XX /
09:22:40 ...XX /
09:22:40 ...XX /

Notice that the date, server name, and process name has been edited away
to save space.

Can anybody tell me what these reverse lookups are all about? Would it
help if I put added a file to my config?
And what would go in such a beast?

BTW, I am running named 4.9.7.-T1B on SuSE Linux 5.3.


Mike Wise

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