DNS primary and secondaries

Morgan Sarges blip at actioni.net
Tue Aug 31 19:56:10 UTC 1999

Greg Schaffer wrote:

> Looks like your secondary isn't answering DNS queries, period.  I
> couldn't resolve anything using it (daffy) but could using the first one
> (bugs).  Is daffy starting named properly?

As far as /var/log/messages goes, yes, named appears to be starting ok,
with no
warnings or errors.

Attached is daffy's named.conf, for the curious.


-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: named.conf

options {
        directory "/etc/named";                         // use current directory
        dump-file "/etc/named/db/named_dump.db";        // _PATH_DUMPFILE
        pid-file "/etc/named/named.pid";                // _PATH_PIDFILE
        statistics-file "/etc/named/log/named.stats";   // _PATH_STATS
        memstatistics-file "/etc/named/log/named.memstats"; // _PATH_MEMSTATS
        check-names master fail;
        check-names slave warn;
        check-names response ignore;
        host-statistics yes;
        deallocate-on-exit no;          // Painstakingly deallocate all
                                        // objects when exiting instead of
                                        // letting the OS clean up for us.
                                        // Useful a memory leak is suspected.
                                        // Final statistics are written to the
                                        // memstatistics-file.
        datasize default;
        stacksize default;
        coresize default;
        files unlimited;
        recursion yes;
        fetch-glue yes;
        recursion yes;
        fetch-glue yes;
        fake-iquery no;
        notify yes;                     // send NOTIFY messages.  You can set
                                        // notify on a zone-by-zone
                                        // basis in the "zone" statement
                                        // see (below)
        auth-nxdomain yes;              // always set AA on NXDOMAIN.
                                        // don't set this to 'no' unless
                                        // you know what you're doing -- older
                                        // servers won't like it.
        multiple-cnames no;             // if yes, then a name my have more
                                        // than one CNAME RR.  This use
                                        // is non-standard and is not
                                        // recommended, but it is available
                                        // because previous releases supported
                                        // it and it was used by large sites
                                        // for load balancing.
        allow-query { any; };
        allow-transfer { any; };
        transfers-in 10;                // DEFAULT_XFERS_RUNNING, cannot be
                                        // set > than MAX_XFERS_RUNNING (20)
        transfers-per-ns 2;             // DEFAULT_XFERS_PER_NS
        max-transfer-time-in 10;        // MAX_XFER_TIME; the default number
                                        // of minutes an inbound zone transfer
                                        // may run.  May be set on a per-zone
                                        // basis.
        /* * Interval Timers */
        cleaning-interval 60;           // clean the cache of expired RRs
                                        // every 'cleaning-interval' minutes
        interface-interval 600;         // scan for new or deleted interfaces
                                        // every 'interface-interval' minutes
        statistics-interval 5;          // log statistics every
                                        // 'statistics-interval' minutes

        // If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
        // to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
        // directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
        // questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
        // port by default.
        // query-source address * port 53;

logging {
        // If you don't want to see "zone XXXX loaded" messages but do
        // want to see any problems, you could do the following.
        channel no_info_messages {
                severity notice;

// boot file for name server
// type         domain                  source host/file      backup file
// cache        .                       named.ca

zone "." {
        type master;
        file "db.root";

zone "0.0.127.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
        type master;
        file "db.local";

// ---------------Reverse DNS Lookup Tables----------------------------
zone "223.73.63.IN-ADDR.ARPA" {
        type slave;
        file "db.63.73.223";
        masters {                       //where to transfer zone from

// ---------------DNS Zones Lookup Tables------------------------------
zone "actioni.net" {
        type slave;
        file "db.actioni.net";
        masters {                       //where to transfer zone from

zone "actioni.com" {
        type slave;
        file "db.actioni.com";
        masters {                       //where to transfer zone from

zone "actioni.org" {
        type slave;
        file "db.actioni.org";
        masters {                       //where to transfer zone from

zone "action-i.net" {
        type slave;
        file "db.action-i.net";
        masters {                       //where to transfer zone from

zone "action-i.com" {
        type slave;
        file "db.action-i.com";
        masters {                       //where to transfer zone from

zone "action-i.org" {
        type slave;
        file "db.action-i.org";
        masters {                       //where to transfer zone from

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