DNS configuration error

Rainer Ginsberg rainer.ginsberg at de.bosch.com
Wed Dec 22 16:02:52 UTC 1999

On 22 Dez 1999, Thomas Langås (tlan at online.no) wrote:

>Can I use this zone-file (on my new-to-be-primary DNS) as it is then:
>@       IN      SOA     domain.com. root.domain.com. (
>                        199912122       ; serial, date + serial #
>                        8H              ; refresh, seconds
>                        2H              ; retry, seconds
>                        1W              ; expire, seconds
>                        1D )            ; minimum, seconds
>and, how do I tell to the secondary NS how often it should update?

That's defined by the refresh value in your SOA record. If the refresh 
fails, the secondary will try again after the time specified in the 
retry value.


Rainer Ginsberg

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