Error in zone transfer

Mohammed Ghanawi mohammed.ghanawi at
Wed Dec 29 05:30:27 UTC 1999

Now both the secondary and master, are on 8.2.2-p5. And I have
specifically specified

transfer-format one-answer in the options, but the same result.

Could this be due to the fact that our master is on ATM, and the secondary
on 10Mbits/shard connection ?

Thanks ...

Jim Reid wrote:

> >>>>> "Mohammed" == Super-User  <mohammed.ghanawi at> writes:
>     Mohammed> I get the following error in the trace file when running
>     Mohammed> bind 8.1.2, any ideas what this means ??
>     Mohammed> ....
>     Mohammed> ;; ns_initparse: Message too long
> Usually EMSGSIZE error codes - "Message too long" - are returned when
> some system calls fail. According to my man pages, this error is given
> when "A message sent on a socket was larger than the internal message
> buffer or some other network limit." The function ns_initparse()
> returns this error code when it finds that it has been asked to decode
> a corrupted or badly formed DNS packet.
> Could you be trying to use many-answer format zone transfers between
> an 8.1 and 8.2 name server? I dimly recall there were problems with
> this.
> BTW 8.1.2 is old and has some security holes. Use the current version
> 8.2.2P5.

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