Upgrading from BIND 4.9 to Bind 8.2.2p5

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Thu Dec 30 01:38:51 UTC 1999

On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 01:44:58PM -0800, M Spencer wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to upgrade my two name servers to BIND 8.2.2p5. I have some
> steps give to me by Cricket but I think I missed something in my notes. Any
> help or additions to the below would be helpful.
> 1. Get BIND-src.tar.gz
> 2. mkdir bind-8.2.2p5
	^--------- unnecessary - done in the next step
> 3. zcat BIND-src.tar.gz |tar -xvf
> 4. cd src
	cd bind-8.2.2-P5/src
	^------------ This step should tell you all the rest.
	make clean	[case matters!]
	make depend
> 8. MAKE
> 9. cd /bin/named
	pushd /etc
	[in other words, TEMPORARILY chage directories to /etc]
> 10. named-boot.conf < /etc/named. > named.conf
	named-bootconf < named.boot > named.conf
> 11. tail /var/adm
	This one I don't understand at all.
	At this point, I would STOP any old 'named' that was running.
> 12. make install
	popd; make install
	[in other words, return to your original source directory first]

> What am I missing or do I have in error. Any information would be
> appreciated.
> Michelle Spencer
> Struggling DNS Admin
> U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Last: start the new 'named'.  Some startup files may have to be modified
for it to come up correctly every time you boot.  These files are some-
what system-dependent.

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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