nslookup YES!!! ping,ftp NO????

Jim Reid jim at mpn.cp.philips.com
Mon Jul 12 16:21:08 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Ian" == ISBlaney  <isblaney at aol.com> writes:

    Ian> Please help out this newbie.  I have recently setup bind on
    Ian> our UNIX machine. As far as I can see I have set up the
    Ian> configuration files properly.

    Ian>  My problem is that I cannot ping, telnet etc any hosts using
    Ian> their hostname. I keep getting "hostname not found" messsge
    Ian> but when I use nslookup <hostname> I get a reply with correct
    Ian> IP address.

    Ian> Why is this?

Maybe you need to do something so that all your network applications
use the DNS for name/address lookup? Many UNIX systems have a config
file like /etc/nsswitch.conf or /etc/svc.conf which tells applications
how to lookup names: use /etc/hosts or DNS or NIS/YP or any
combination of these? Perhaps this file hasn't been configured for
DNS on your system?

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