No default TTL set using SOA minimum instead

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Mon Jun 7 15:11:27 UTC 1999

> Why does bind 8.2 report this in the log when loading a zone, and how can I
> fix the zonefile to shut it up?


It's a warning only, NOT an error message.

As Cricket explained, the old "minimum/default TTL" in the SOA is now
the expiration for negative-cache data.  You should have a:

$TTL		default-TTL (e.g., 86400)

statement  b e f o r e  the SOA in all zone files, now.  If you don't,
it will maintain compatibility with previous versions by using the old
value from the SOA; but it will complain.

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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