what wrong??

Joakim Backlund jba at du.se
Thu Jun 10 14:58:25 UTC 1999


I'm trying to install the man pages for named 8.2 located in the doc/man 
directory. To do that I have to install the doc/tmac files in my nroff/troff 
support directory as it says in src/INSTALL. It's here the problem starts. How 
do I install the doc/tmac files with the distributed Makefile. Just running 
`make realinstall` I got complains about the last row/statement in the 
Makefile: ".include <bsd.prog.mk>". In my desperate struggle to make it 
install I just commented it out. (I know that it might be stupid but I dont 
know what that row does so I toke a chance.) When running `make realinstall` 
again I got no complains about the last row hence it is commented out. But now 
I got complains about that the file "../me/strip.sed" didn't exist. And that's 
true. How should that file look like to make the installation work???

How do I solve this?

Joakim Backlund

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