DNS name resolution help needed

bkp bkpanda at my-deja.com
Thu Nov 18 23:40:51 UTC 1999

I need to resolve few system names which are in another domain(yy.com).
How do I proceed.
I  added another primary line in /etc/named.boot that loads the
information for the servers in other domain but that did not help.
below is the named.boot & hosts file for reference. Operating system
Solaris 2.6.

directory       /etc/named
;type   domain  source  host/file       backupfile
primary xx.com                   xx.hosts
primary yy.com                   yy.hosts
cache   .       named.cache


 filename: /etc/named/yy.hosts
; New DNS server
@ IN SOA srv1.xx.com. admin.yy.com. (
                        1999110301      ; Serial
                        10800           ; Refresh every 3 hours (in
                        3600            ; Timeout - Retry after 1 hour
(in secs)
                        604800          ; Expire after 1 week (in secs)
                        86400  )        ; Minimum TTL (time to live) 1
day (in s
$ORIGIN yy.com.
;Name Servers (name @ is implied)
                IN NS srv1.xx.com.
                IN A
localhost       IN A  
srv2 IN A  

Any help greatly appreciated

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