Tell named 8.2 to not listen on a device?

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Oct 11 09:52:36 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Satch" == Satch  <satch at> writes:

    Satch> I'd like to have named stop listening for requests on the
    Satch> untrusted port of my network.  

The BIND name server doesn't listen for requests on any untrusted port
unless you tell it to do that.

    Satch> My goal:  have named listen at and only.
    Satch> Right now it's listening on four sockets.

That's correct. It will have TCP and UDP listeners on port 53 of both
interfaces. If you don't want the name server to listen on a specific
interface, use the listen-on clause in the options{} statement.

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