alternate port / alternate way for master DNS zone xfers ?

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Thu Oct 14 17:40:24 UTC 1999

>    I do not have access to the firewall or anywhere where I could
> configure anything. All I was given is a generic IP on a relatively big
> network, and was told that "BTW, DNS TCP connections are blocked". End of
> story. I have to deal with it. I don't know whether BIND8 allows me to
> deal with it.
>    thx,
>        Jan
> PS: where is this list archived ? I guess I've subscribed to the list
> after Barry's answer (I've never seen it), but before you answer. So all I
> got is your answer. 

NEVER post to both the mailing list and the newsgroup.  The two are
copied to each other.  Now I will get three copies of this.  (Pout,
pout.  ;-})

The mailing list is archived at

What is blocking DNS TCP?  Is it a firewall?  Is there a DNS proxy?  At
some level, this must be negotiable.

BIND 8 tends to do "the right thing."  Without TCP, everything you do
must be UDP, though, which limits certain things you can do.  Have you
yet noticed any problems, though?

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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