Dynamic/Secure DNS

Cricket Liu cricket at acmebw.com
Thu Oct 21 17:54:57 UTC 1999

> I hear that BIND 8.2.1 supports both dynamic and secure DNS.
> Is this support related only to the name server part or the resolver
> activelly supports it as well?

Most of the support is in the name server.

> Let me try to explain:
> I understand that this is the support I can get:
> 1. The name server part understands and handles the new KEY, SIG, NXT,
> TSIG and TKEY resource records and and also the new UPDATE opcode
> and its rules.


> 2. The resolver part acts only as helper for the name server part to
> the stuff mentioned above, should any communication to other name servers
> be required.
> Am I right?

No.  The name server handles communication with other name servers.

> What am I trying to find out is:
> 1. can the resolver update the A and PTR records when the local IP
> configuration changes (host, domain, IP address). Moreover, can it use
> Secure DNS to do the updates, either by default or only if it gets back a

You could use the resolver routines to write code that did this, but it
doesn't do this out of the box.  There's support for sending TSIG-
signed updates in the resolver routines now, I believe.

> 2. what are the supported security (cryptographical) mechanisms
> (RSA/MD5, DSA, Kerberos, GSS etc?)

Depends on whether you're talking about DNSSEC or TSIG.  DNSSEC
supports DSA/DSS and RSA.  TSIG supports (HMAC-)MD5.

> Any insight appreciated.
> Can someone point me out to some documentation? I read the RFCs, but I
> want to know details about BIND's implementation.

There's no substitute for the source code.


Acme Byte & Wire
cricket at acmebw.com

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