Newbie: When does zone transfer kick in?

Mark_Andrews at Mark_Andrews at
Tue Oct 26 22:12:09 UTC 1999

> Hi all,
> I have a simple question. I am trying to get DNS working for my domain
> ( I have it working locally, meaning that if
> computers on my LAN use my local name server (that I configured), they
> can find just fine. So far so good. So I put in a
> zone transfer request with the InterNIC a couple of days ago. I just
> did a whois, and my record has been updated and is using my machines
> ( and for the DNSs.
> I would think this means that now anyone can get at
>, using any name server. But they can't. Friends
> can't get there, and neither can I if I use my ISPs name servers
> instead of my local name server.
> I'm assuming the problem isn't with my named.conf or anything like
> that, but rather with a misunderstanding of the zone transfer system.
> Do I have to wait a few days for everyone else's DNSs to 'catch up'? I
> would think not (they should be going right to the .net root server),
> but maybe I'm wrong. One thing maybe I should mention is I'm not doing
> anything about reverse DNS yet. I've been putting that off due to its
> difficulty (esp since my ISP has to cooperate) and the fact that I
> didn't think I needed it to just serve Web pages, but I suppose I
> could be wrong.
> Thanks,
> Chris

	1. you are confused about the names of the machines you want
	   as nameservers.  Looking at the zone file you want them to
	   be hossie and betsy.

	2. you registered CNAMES with the Internic.  If you want the
	   nameservers to be hossie and betsy, register those names.
	   If you want them to be ns1 and ns2 replace the CNAMES with
	   relevant A record.

	3. run a nameserver on betsy.

	4. decide what machine you want the mail to arrive on (I can't
	   tell from the zone contents) and put it in the MX records
	   not "mail".

	5. The A record for looks wrong. I don't think
	   you want it to be


; <<>> DiG 8.2 <<>> axfr @ 
; (1 server found)
@			1D IN SOA	hoss root (
					199909283	; serial
					8H		; refresh
					2H		; retry
					1W		; expiry
					1D )		; minimum

			1D IN NS	hoss
			1D IN NS	bessie
			1D IN TXT	"Welcome To TourneyLand!!!"
			1D IN MX	10 mail
			1D IN A
annabelle		1D IN A
			1D IN MX	10 mail
lurch			1D IN A
			1D IN MX	10 mail
moms			1D IN A
			1D IN MX	10 mail
localhost		1D IN A
www			1D IN CNAME	hossie
hossie			1D IN MX	10 mail
			1D IN A
ns1			1D IN CNAME	hossie
ns2			1D IN CNAME	betsy
ftp			1D IN CNAME	hossie
betsy			1D IN A
			1D IN MX	10 mail
@			1D IN SOA	hoss root (
					199909283	; serial
					8H		; refresh
					2H		; retry
					1W		; expiry
					1D )		; minimum

;; Received 22 answers (22 records).
;; WHEN: Wed Oct 27 07:59:00 1999
Mark Andrews, Internet Engines Inc. / Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at

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