NS and recursive? query

Mike Machado mike at innercite.com
Sun Sep 5 23:03:52 UTC 1999

Ok , this should be an easy answer to any experienced DNS admin.
I have two servers, and countrydog.com domain.

Say the internic is pointed to server 1 for this domain but the actual
resource records are on server 2. What I have is on server 1:

@                    server1.innercite.com.    root.countrydog.com. (
                1999090501      ; serial number
                10800           ; secondary refresh interval
                3600            ; secondary retry interval
                864000          ; secondary expire after about 10 days
                3600  )         ; TTL

                IN      NS   server2.innercite.com.

innercite.com is the domain for our ISP and is working just fine.

Now I was hoping when the queries for stuff like mail.countrydog.com
came to server 1 it would simply give an NS answer and the client
resolver would go ask server2.innercite.com for the answer.

When I do a dig country.com @a.root-servers.net it comes back always
with the two name servers I registered. But when I try to do a dig
countrydog.com @ from server1  it just prints out the soa
record and never references to the NS record.

Do I need to do something with the SOA record to be able to do this sort
of ns redirection?

Mike Machado
mike at innercite.com
Network Specialist

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