DNS Configuration Problem

Jonathon jblake at eskimo.com
Wed Sep 8 19:43:51 UTC 1999

	The problem: 
	Using nslookup, I get the following error message	
	when looking up "stamp-coin.com"

	natal.stamp-coin.com can't find stamp-coin.com: non-existent 

	Looking up "" results in the same error message.
	Looking up "natal.stamp-coin.com" gets the 'correct response'.
	[  Mail bounces, with an error message of:
	"Error 551: Read DNS and Bind." ]

	OS is Linux ( Redhat 5.2 ) with Bind 8.2.1

	Thinking perhaps I had made a mistake, I used h2n to create
	new files for /var/named.  Still had the same error.  :-(
	I used dnswalk, thinking that would point me in the right
	direction.  It reports "no errors found". [  Which I take
	to mean that it didn't find any grotesque errors. ]
	I threw dlint at it, and all it complained about was the
	nameservers disagreed on the serial number.  [  Which is
	understandable, since I control one nameserver, not the other, 
	and I was making changes every 30 minutes or so.  [  I just
	ran dlint, and the serial numbers are in sync. ]
	I looked through /var/logs/messages, in a futile attempt
	that it perhaps had logged something, claiming to be an
	error.  I fixed what it complained about. 

	I went through _DNS and Bind_ hoping I could figure out
	what I was doing wrong.  Whilst I don't comprehend that 
	book, I couldn't see anything obviously wrong.  Looking
	at the MR DNS website, I got a suspicion that perhaps
	I had omitted a period somewhere on the RHS.  Using grep,
	I found I hadn't.  

	Could some kind soul please point out to me what I have

	Here are the current configuration files.  


	Named Conf

// generated by named-bootconf.pl

options {
	directory "/var/named";
	 * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
	 * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
	 * directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
	 * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
	 * port by default.
#	 query-source address * port 53;

// a caching only nameserver config
zone "." in {
	type hint;
	file "db.cache";

zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
	type master;
	file "db.127.0.0";

zone "stamp-coin.com" in {
	type master;
        notify yes;
	file "db.stamp-coin";

zone "31.102.209.in-addr.arpa" in {
	type master;
        notify yes;
	file "db.209.102.31";


@ IN  SOA natal.stamp-coin.com. jblake.natal.stamp-coin.com. ( 1999090704 10800 3600 604800 86400 )
  IN  NS  natal.stamp-coin.com.
  IN  NS  ns1.savvis.net.
  IN  TXT "Contact Jonathon Blake"
  IN  TXT "Voice: +1-206-818-0820"
  IN  TXT "E-Mail:  jblake at stamp-coin.com "
  IN  RP  jblake.natal.stamp-coin.com.  stamp-coin.com.

localhost            IN  A
natal                IN  A
www                  IN  CNAME natal.stamp-coin.com.
natal                IN  MX    10 natal.stamp-coin.com.
vierkleur            IN  A
vierkleur            IN  MX    10 vierkleur.stamp-coin.com.
capeofstorms         IN  A
capeofstorms         IN  MX    10 capeofstorms.stamp-coin.com.
vrystaat             IN  A
vrystaat             IN  A
vrystaat             IN  MX    10 vrystaat.stamp-coin.com.


@ IN  SOA natal.stamp-coin.com. jblake.natal.stamp-coin.com. ( 1999090704 10800 3600 604800 86400 )
  IN  NS  natal.stamp-coin.com.
  IN  NS  ns1.savvis.net.
  IN  TXT "Contact Jonathon Blake"
  IN  TXT "Voice: +1-206-818-0820"
  IN  TXT "E-Mail:  jblake at stamp-coin.com "
  IN  RP  jblake.natal.stamp-coin.com.  stamp-coin.com.  	IN  PTR   vrystaat.stamp-coin.com.  	IN  PTR   vrystaat.stamp-coin.com.  	IN  PTR   natal.stamp-coin.com.  	IN  PTR   capeofstorms.stamp-coin.com.  	IN  PTR   vierkleur.stamp-coin.com.



@ IN  SOA natal.stamp-coin.com. root.natal.stamp-coin.com. ( 1999090701 10800 3600 604800 86400 )
  IN  NS  natal.stamp-coin.com.       	IN  PTR   localhost.



	jblake at stamp-coin.com
	jblake at eskimo.com

	I'm still looking for a good book on
		3:	The Recent Unpleasantness
		1:	The War Of Northern Aggression.
		2:	The War of Southern Rebellion.

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