BIND - how predominant?

David R. Conrad David_Conrad at
Fri Sep 10 02:17:22 UTC 1999


> Hmmm that is quite strange that you say that???  I can view the cache on MS
> Bind. You just click on the button that says "cache." ?  Perhaps we are
> talking about an older version or something.

Or you both could be talking about different software.  BIND (Berkely
Internet Name Domain) is currently maintained and developed by ISC.  ISC
has not offered an NT port directly until soon-to-be-release 8.2.2
(thanks to Nortel for donating their NT port).  Other organizations have
ported earlier versions of BIND to NT (in particular, 4.9.7).

Microsoft's DNS server implementation is not derived from BIND.  As
such, there is no "MS BIND" that I'm aware of...


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