bind 8.1.2 + compaq truunix 64 5.0 = problem

Michael Long mlong at
Thu Sep 16 17:58:17 UTC 1999

I can't get Bind 8.1.2 to compile under Compaq TruUNIX 64 5.0.  It
compiled fine under Digital Unix 4.0f.  I have been going back and
forth with Compaq.  Essentially, they redid the compiler for 5.0 so
that it is ANSI compliant instead of Carnegie Richie compliant.  Even
using the "backwards compatibility mode" of -std0, it still won't
compile.  Any ideas?

if test ! -d threaded ; then mkdir threaded ; fi
cc -std0  -g2 -O1 -Olimit 2000 -I../../port/decunix/include
-I../../include  -pt
hread -c herror.c  -o threaded/herror.o
cc: Error: /usr/include/netinet/in6.h, line 54: Missing type specifier
or type q
ualifier. (missingtype)
        uint8_t sa6_addr[16];
cc: Error: /usr/include/netinet/in6.h, line 56: Missing type specifier
or type q
ualifier. (missingtype)
        uint16_t sa6_waddr[8];
cc: Error: /usr/include/netinet/in6.h, line 58: Missing type specifier
or type q
ualifier. (missingtype)
        uint32_t sa6_laddr[4];
cc: Error: /usr/include/netinet/in6.h, line 61: Missing type specifier
or type q
ualifier. (missingtype)
        uint64_t sa6_qaddr[2];
cc: Error: /usr/include/netinet/in6.h, line 166: Missing type
specifier or type
qualifier. (missingtype)
    uint8_t         sin6_len;           /* length of this struct */
cc: Error: /usr/include/netinet/in6.h, line 172: Missing type
specifier or type
qualifier. (missingtype)
    uint32_t        sin6_flowinfo;      /* IPv6 flow information */
cc: Error: /usr/include/netinet/in6.h, line 174: Missing type
specifier or type
qualifier. (missingtype)
    uint32_t        sin6_scope_id;      /* set of interfaces for a
scope */
cc: Error: ../../port/decunix/include/port_after.h, line 76: Invalid
member decl
aration. (badmember)
        u_int8_t        s6_addr[16];
*** Exit 1
*** Exit 1
*** Exit 1

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