DNS configuration problem

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Thu Sep 23 21:08:26 UTC 1999

> for testing puropses. Because of this I've set the ampr.org zone to master,
> but this configuration doesn't work the way I want. It's not surprising,
> because I'm neither master nor slave of ampr.org. If I request an ip
> which name is included in ampr.org it works, but for other ampr.org
> names it doesn't forward the request but immediately says that this host
> is not known. Maybe named thinks: if master doesn't know, who else should -
> and because of this doesn't forward the request.

Exactly so.

And quite right, too.  What if I should slap a system on the 'Net and
start calling IT the master for ampr.org?  I'm sure that Bdale Garbee
and Brian Kantor would get miffed if somehow I overrode the real one.

How about calling them up and setting yourselves up as a sub-domain of
ampr.org?  You could then be in charge of that.  You could also ask
their servers to slave the domain off your [hidden] master.

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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