Most popular DNS

Ralf Hildebrandt R.Hildebrandt at
Sun Apr 2 10:52:29 UTC 2000

> My question is, what is meant by 'popular', and why?

Well, it's fairly standard and comes with all unixes and linux.
Ok, there are some others, like the one DJB has written.
> What is the most popular SMTP server: Sendmail? 

Webserver: Apache?

> Why?
Because they come with most unixes and are proven to work.
Although I prefer Postfix for SMTP.

> I'm a BIND man, Exim (vs. Sendmail), and an Apache man. My reason is,
> not 'cos they are more popular than others, but because they work
> better.

This might follow from being popular: a wider user-base finds more errors
and feeds the need for features. Besides these users can get in touch with
the developers -- with M$ products you just get in touch with brain-dead
sales dept.

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