auth vs caching setup

Francis Bustamante fbusta1 at
Thu Apr 13 02:46:59 UTC 2000

I'm trying to do a setup where my ISP is listed as
primary and secondary but their nameservers are setup
to pull the zones from my server.

Does this make any sense?

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000,
Chris Cell wrote:

> This may be a rather green question, but what exactly would this do for you?
> Is it so the primary server only is responsible for zone transfers, and not
> answering to the outside world?
> > >I've recently setup BIND8 P5 on an OpenBSD box.  My question
> > >is how do I set things up that it is only an authoritative
> > >nameserver rather than answer resolution queries?
> >
> > options {
> >   recursion no;
> > };

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