Including A Records For Someone Else's Hosts

Jim Reid jim at
Tue Aug 1 08:24:02 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Nick" == Nick  <nick at> writes:

    Nick> We have a non-Internet connection to someone else's private
    Nick> network, and need to connect from a number of our machines
    Nick> to a number of theirs.  Therefore I'd like to put a bunch of
    Nick> their machine's addresses into our DNS, rather than
    Nick> maintaining local hosts files on all our relevant machines.

    Nick> But to do that (using tools like h2n to generate zone files)
    Nick> I have to claim authority for their reverse zones, which
    Nick> feels like the Wrong Thing To Do.

Yes. So is maintaining your own version of their DNS name space. After
all they own that name space and are responsible for its contents, not

    Nick> Is their a standard answer to this ?

Configure your name server so that they can see that other
organisation's name space. The best way to do that is make your
name servers slave (secondary) or stub servers for their zones.
Another approach is to do zone-specific forwarding, but this gets
messy, hard to maintain and even harder to troubleshoot.

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