bind vs djbdns

Ruben I Safir ruben at
Thu Aug 31 14:57:52 UTC 2000

Bernstien -

Trying to earn a living from Free Software is not an example of Moral

But the fact that your DNS is cutting corners is real concern.  Where
you hired by microsoft to undermined the internet so they can save us
from the chaos of a free internet not controlled by Redmond?  That's
what it sound like with the burly responses and absolute statement.

"D. J. Bernstein" wrote:
> Benjamin Madsen writes:
> > creating traffic on this mailing list
> I didn't start this discussion. I wouldn't have said anything if there
> hadn't been so much misinformation posted by certain people who, by a
> strange coincidence, have strong financial interests in BIND.
> > Quit trying to push your product based on the premise that it will save a
> > few minutes of somebody's time.
> Ease of use is more than just a time-saver. It also reduces errors. It
> gives you confidence that your actions will have the desired results. I
> don't want to worry about trailing dots, for example, or worry about
> failure notices hidden in a log file somewhere.
> Anyway, ease of use is only one of the reasons that people are switching
> to djbdns. See for more reasons. The
> decisive issue for many people is that the BIND company is scared to
> offer a cash reward for security holes.
> ---Dan

Ruben I Safir

ruben at
ruben at

Perl Notes:
Manager of Intranet Development NYU College of Dentistry

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