Classless delegation.

Igmar Palsenberg maillist at
Mon Aug 28 21:16:46 UTC 2000

> "Classless delegation" is a bit of a misnomer. Is it possible to add 10 CNAMEs
> to the C-class zone? Sure.

Well, since I've been reading the docs about 10 times, and still find it
vague :)

According to the docs, you can only delegate subnets of a subnet :

something like :

Networkadress : a.b.c.d/m

In that case, I have to put :

zone "" {
   type master;
   file "blabla";

for example :, that would give :

zone "" {


Reading this info, I can't find out how to do it with 10 IP's, without
setting up 10 zones, which is ugly..

Any docs / examples would be welcome..



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