Notify question..

Mathias Körber mathias at
Fri Dec 8 16:48:35 UTC 2000

> hi ...
> if u r using notify=3Dyes .then on the change of zone the secoundry is =

> notified for the transfer(right!).
> dose that mean that the serial no: is ignored???.

No. notify is just that, a notification that the master thinks something
has changes with the zone. The slave *will* perform aserial# query and
comparison and only transfer the zone if the master's zone has a higher
serial# that the slave. This avoids transfers when they are not =
(example: the master also sends notifies when it starts up, even if the
zone has not changed. It does so because it does not remember each =
zone, so to be sure that all get the newest version it sends nitifies. =
also helps slaves learn of a master's revival after it has been down
for a while, rather than wait the full RETRY time)


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