"sysquery" error

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Thu Dec 14 16:38:49 UTC 2000

On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 09:58:45AM -0600, Larry Sheldon wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 09:01:52PM -0600, Larry Sheldon wrote:
> > > This is the first time (as far as I can remember--certainly the first
> > > time I have understood) the harm that might be done.  As I said, I've
> > > tried listing them all, listing only the registered ones, and most
> > > of the numerically possible combinations in between.
> > 
> > Suggestion: limit yourself to two at your site that are unlikely to be
> > down at the same time.  Have the off-site three treat both as
> > "masters".  List all 5 in NS records.  Make sure that the eduNIC has
> > the exact same information (the 5).
> I thunk that is what I have now.

Not according to Jim.  Let's see ...

The ".edu" server lists:

creighton.edu   nameserver = CUNAME.creighton.edu
creighton.edu   nameserver = NS1.USWEST.NET
creighton.edu   nameserver = NS2.DNVR.USWEST.NET
creighton.edu   nameserver = NIC-KS.GREATPLAINS.NET

Authoritative answers can be found from:
CUNAME.creighton.edu    internet address =

When I ask 'cuname', I get a slightly different list:

creighton.edu   nameserver = ns1.uswest.net
creighton.edu   nameserver = ns2.dnvr.uswest.net
creighton.edu   nameserver = cuname.creighton.edu
creighton.edu   nameserver = toucan.creighton.edu
creighton.edu   nameserver = nic-ks.greatplains.net
ns1.uswest.net  internet address =
ns2.dnvr.uswest.net     internet address =
cuname.creighton.edu    internet address =
toucan.creighton.edu    internet address =
nic-ks.greatplains.net  internet address =

A random sampling of these hosts gives the same list.  Is this a
change?  Why did Jim see 15?

You still need to update the eduNIC.

> We don't have staff enough to do that--the primary doesn't have anything else
> running on it to speak of, but all of the rest are machines-with-a-job that
> run a nameserver (supposedly) for there own benifit.

Enough staff to do what?  Under the scenario I gave, cuname and toucan
would run DNS and nothing else.  No additional work, except maybe
hardware maintenance, since a "toucan2" would run whatever else toucan
is currently running.

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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