DNS on Solaris

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Tue Feb 22 18:33:44 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Sandeep" == Sandeep Kansal <skansal at mantraonline.com> writes:

    Sandeep> Dear Thomas , Hi !  the directory /usr/local/etc is not
    Sandeep> required at all, You just need /var/named directory and
    Sandeep> named.conf and named.boot file in /etc dirtecory .

Sorry, but you are wrong about this unless you have tampered with the
source code. By default, BIND8 on Solaris systems expects to find
named.conf in /usr/local/etc. It also uses this directory as the
default location for the control socket used by ndc and the named.pid
file IIRC. Yes, I know these can be changed with command-line
arguments and/or the options{} statement in named.conf, but that is
not the point. BIND8 does need the directory /usr/local/etc on Solaris

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