Bind 8 special characters

Mark.Andrews at Mark.Andrews at
Thu Jan 6 02:34:37 UTC 2000

> Mark.Andrews at wrote:
> >         Underscore was NEVER a valid character for a hostname.
> >         See RFC 952 and its predecessors.  If you connect to the
> >         Internet you play by its rules.
> Just as a historical note, while RFC 952 is not officially obsolete, its purp
> ose
> was to specify the format of the HOSTS.TXT file, which is, in fact, obsolete.
> Later RFC's, of course, incorporate by reference the restrictions of RFC 952,
> disembodied from the HOSTS.TXT context in which they were originally conceive
> d.
> Query: was HOSTS.TXT file inclusion ever enforced as a prerequisite for Inter
> net
> connectivity?

	RFC 952 was written with the DNS in mind, early versions
	existed when RFC 952 was written.  RFC 952 is NOT obsolete,
	it is very much the current definintion of what is allowed
	in a hostname with one modification from RFC 1123.

	Yes the restrictions were enforced.  3com had a big battle
	even getting the changes in RFC 1123 endorsed.

> - Kevin
Mark Andrews, Nominum Inc. / Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark.Andrews at

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