Is Barry Margolin a real person???

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Thu Jan 6 13:00:23 UTC 2000

On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 11:32:13PM +0000, Barry Margolin wrote:
> In article <3873C1C6.4F31DCF1 at>,
> Drew Simonis - US Internet Support  <care227 at> wrote:
> >I can't resist the question.  I read alot of newsgroups, and in so
> >many of them, Barry is a major source of knowlege.
> >
> >So, Barry, are you a real person or several people working
> >in a conspiratorial manner?  Spreading the name of Barry wide 
> >and far!  
> Oh no, I've been found out.
> >How does one man know so much!
> Well, so much about so little....


When network news was still Usenet (UUCP) news, Loren Weinstein (UCLA)
was rumored to read and answer ALL items in ALL newsgroups.  I was
standing next to him in one of those after-Usenix-session shoot-the-
breeze groups, and I said something to him, addressing him by name.
Immediately one of the very-much-younger people present shot to his feet
and stammered, "Are you Loren?  THE Loren?  I mean, really Loren?  We
all thought you must be a machine!"

So this is not a new accusation.  ;-)

Loren also designed a way to fit some subset of Usenet news in the
blank space between video frames on a satellite TV system ... something
which commercial concerns are now using profitably.  It never happened,
though: someone invented Internet News, and the rest is history.

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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