Error in localhost config?

Steve Snyder swsnyder at
Wed Jan 19 17:12:33 UTC 2000

When running a DNS analysis tool ("DNS Expert", by Mice&Men) against
my nameserver (BIND v8.2.2P5 on a Linux box) I received a warning
about my localhost config.

This was the warning:

        "The Reverse record "" does not refer to 
        the host "localhost.snydernet.lan"

Sure enough, the references *are* different.

In file "db.snydernet" I have this record:

        localhost            IN  A

And in file "db.127.0.0" I have:         IN  PTR   localhost.snydernet.lan.

So here, finally, is my question:  should both references be set to
localhost.snydernet.lan or should they both be set to just localhost?

Or is this config really ok, and the analysis tool is just complaining
about a non-issue?

Thank you.

*** Steve Snyder ***

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