cron and dig

Bruce Ordway ordway at
Sat Jan 22 19:43:14 UTC 2000

I've been working on sendmail and DNS. I recently tried to automate my
refresh of the db.cache file with cron.
I wrote a script getDNS with the command "dig .
then created a file crontab with the line:
20  1  *  *  *  /root/scripts/getDNS
Then I executed the command crontab crontab.

Today I checked the contents of my /var/log/cron file and saw the following

root (01/22-01:20:00-5345) CMD (/root/scripts/getDNS)
root (01/22-01:20:15-5343) MAIL (mailed 80 bytes of output but got status

I am assuming that there was some mail sent about what happened with getDNS
when cron executed the command. I am also assuming that the message had a
probelm because I have been screwing around with sendmail.

My question is this:
How can I figure out what this means?
root (01/22-01:20:15-5343) MAIL (mailed 80 bytes of output but got status

Bruce Ordway

Also, today when I tried dig . ns>/var/named/db.cache, I
received a timeout error.
I changed it to dig . ns>/var/named/db.cache and it

There seem to be a few , what are the rules for using

Thanks again

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