Dynameic DNS on 8.2.2-P% not saving changes

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Thu Jul 27 20:38:33 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Keith" == creedle76  <creedle76 at my-deja.com> writes:

    Keith> I have recently built a redhat linux machine and upgraded
    Keith> it to BIND 8.2.2 Patch 5 and am having trouble with Dynamic
    Keith> DNS saving the changes that I make using nsupdate.  The
    Keith> changes are taken, able to be used reflected until the next
    Keith> reboot.  I do have a solaris 2.6 machine that is running
    Keith> 8.1.2 and it is doing this just fine. It somehow creates
    Keith> zone .log files that are periodically merged into the zone
    Keith> files.

That's how BIND implements DDNS. The .log file is a transaction log of
changes that have been made to the zone as a result of update requests.
Every so often, the name server writes out a new copy of the dynamic
zone and deletes this transaction file. The .log file is created so
that if the name server crashes, it can re-create the up to date
version of the zone from the (old) zone file and the transaction log
file: ie it's a roll-forward operation. When the update request is
done, the in-core copy of the zone is modified. The .log file just
provides stable storage for that update until a fresh zone file
containing the new version of the zone is written out.

I hope you realise the security and scaling problems you get from
DDNS. At the very least, you should be using TSIG authentication =>
running BIND 8.2.2P5.

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