bad referral

Bill Moseley moseley at
Mon Jun 26 23:11:42 UTC 2000

At 08:04 PM 06/26/00 GMT, Barry Margolin wrote:
>>  bad referral ( !<

>It's probably a Cisco Distributed Director.  You can configure A and SOA
>records on them, but they don't have NS records on them.
>They've always had some problems implementing the DNS protocol fully.
>However, the problems don't impact the queries they're designed to support,
>so it's not usually a problem.  For instance, there's no reason for you to
>ask it explicitly for NS records.  When you're trying to connect to
>, you should ask it for the A record.

Hum.  Are you saying the "bad referral ( !<"
message should only happen if I'm doing an NS RR lookup?  But the log
message was a result of a Netscape lookup request, which I'd assume would
be A RR lookups.

Anyway, I'm stil curious:  what is the process that bind is going through
to generate the "bad referral ( !<" message?

Thanks very much for the help,

BTW -- I though I was at a page that had bind error messages explained, but
could nt' find it again.  Anyone have that URL?

Bill Moseley
mailto:moseley at

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