DNS w/o Internet

Thomas Gagne tgagne at ix.netcom.com
Wed May 10 19:58:55 UTC 2000

I was reading in a BIND FAQ that if a DNS is not connected to the internet,
some of the root problems can be eliminated by configuring DNS to be primary
for parents.

In other words, as I understand it:

My intranet's domain is "int.strikeitrich.com".  The paper suggest I can
configure the same DNS server as being primary for "strikeitrich.com" and
"com".  Does that make sense to everyone?  Once this is done, will my named
stop ARPing my intranet to death looking for the root servers?

Also, currently my named can return IP addresses for hostnames, but it seems
unable to do the reverse.  Could that be related to the lack of root servers?

My DHCP server is dynamically updating my DNS.  Inserting records into
192.168.1 are successful but inserting the reverse records 1.168.192 are
failing.  Again, could this be the problem of missing roots?

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