bind and active directory.. ?

Duane Cox dcox at
Wed May 24 17:45:25 UTC 2000

HEY thanks a lot for your insite.

If you could..

We have the dns domain which has several records, probably less
than 50 and some child domains as well, all running on bind.
I guess I might be a little confused, but I dont want becoming
"the active directory domain" for windows 2000 because then
I would have to allow bind to update this zone dynamically WHICH would
result into bind rewriting the zone file in a format that I can't control...
not tab delemited, hard to follow and read etc. etc.

So I guess in my case the best thing for me to do is create a child domain
(right) and have active directory use this is its domain.. ?
Is everybody else doing pretty much the same thing? creating a child
subdomain instead of letting active directory use the subdomain ?
If so what has been some childs people have used?, ?
I assume this will work right if both bind and active directory are setup

Duane Cox
dcox at

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Weber <Robert.Weber at Colorado.EDU>
To: Mark.Andrews at <Mark.Andrews at>
Cc: bind-users at <bind-users at>
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: bind 8.2.2p5 and rfc 2181 ?

>> >
>> > Has anybody had good luck with tying win2k active directory into bind
>> > ?
>> >
>> > Duane Cox
>> > dcox at
>> >
>Yes and no.  I set up a slave zone on our solaris server called
>  Allowed updates from the master W2K server to get srv
>records set up then made the solaris box master, turned off DNS on W2K then
>set up some database building scripts that made the dynamic updates to the
>ad zone from our centralized database.  The setup works and since W2K
>server will only add ldap records if you turn off DNS there doesn't seem to
>be a conflict between my scripts and what W2k wants to do.  I did have to
>check-names warn;
>in the named.conf but it functions fine.  The only problems are management
>of the dynamic zones gets a little hary with our particular host management
>system but it all depends on your setup.
> Robert Weber
> University of Colorado

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