DNS and firewall problem

Mathias Körber mathias at koerber.org
Mon Oct 16 15:32:02 UTC 2000

> Hello,
> I have a problem and I need very urgent answer.
> I installed a firewall with two ethernet interfaces. And I have a =
> which is, web, dns, mail server.  I 'm using virtual not-routed=20
> IP addresss
> for inside computer (including server) and the firewall is=20
> translating them
> to legal IP addresses.
> When an internal user wants to know IP address of server, he must get =
> reserved IP address and, when a user from internet makes a query of =
> server, they must get the answer as a real IP address.
> How can I do that.

You will need some type of split DNS, ie publish two different versions =
of your
zone to the inside and outside world. WIth BIND <9.0.0, the only way to =
do this
is using two separate sets of nameservers, ie the nameservers visible to
the outside have one version, and the one on the inside another. To be =
to resolve the rest of the Internet, you would use the inside =
as resolving (local) nameservers too, and have them forward all queries
(except those for your own zone) to some other outside nameservers.

With BIND-9, you can have a single nameserver reply differently =
onhe IP adress of the client using BIND-9's 'view' feature. See =
for BIND-9. Note that someof the advanced options of BIND-8 (such as =
gathring etc) are not yet implemented in BIND-9, so you might have to =
some modifications (or sacrifices) if you used to use those.

> (I defined two A records for the server. First is pointing to legal IP
> address, and the second is pointing to reserved-IP address. It is =
> now but it's performance is not good. And I have not a second DNS=20
> server to
> put to outside interface.)
> I'll be glad if you can send the answers to my personel address.
> Thanx for your help
> Ayca ARDIC.

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