Please help: Internal roots for all MX and Internet namespace for the rest of the DNS lookups?

bandired at bandired at
Fri Oct 20 00:19:58 UTC 2000

I have a set of Internal root servers and set of DNS servers outside the
firewall to serve as our DNS servers for the Internet and also be the name
servers for
for a few our hosts that are allowed to talk directly to the Internet hosts.
All our servers are running BIND 8.2.2. 
I have wildcard MX entries setup to send all e-mail destined to a domain
other than our domain to go to an Internal mail gateway that relays it to
the external
mail gateway. All our internal clients are set up to use the proxy servers(
which can query the Internet name space ) for http/ftp access. This set up
works fine ... all e-mail is routed just the way we wanted it to and the web
access works fine.
The problem is that we need to allow all internal clients to be able to
access the Internet namespace (for proxyless ftp/telnet etc through the
firewall) for anything except MX queries which we still want to point to the
internal mail gateway. I have forwarders set up on our internal root servers
stupidly hoping that it would work contradicting itself...which obviously
How do I set up my DNS structure to let all MX records to point to my
internal mail gateway and still be able to do the rest of the Internet DNS

Madhu Bandireddy

Advanced American Telephones

bandired at <mailto:bandired at> 

Phone: 973-461-2046


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