Forwarders Won't Forward

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Fri Oct 20 22:48:32 UTC 2000

On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 07:42:37PM -0600, Jason Barlow wrote:
> How do I subdivide my zone and "delegate" from one server to another?  Is it
> even possible to have multiple authoritative servers in a single zone?
> Thanks,
> Jason

It is absolutely not possible.  If a server is authoritative, it is
saying that it is the ONE, the ONLY, the ONE AND ONLY source for
information about that zone, you need never look elsewhere because it
knows it all!  Otherwise, you would have the dismal prospect of having
to search through ALL possible name servers for a zone, including the
ones that you had to wait until timeout because they were actually
down, before deciding whether or not you had an answer.  And what if
there were multiple inconsistent answers?

So, I am guessing that you have your server authoritative for either or  This is NOT something that you
mentioned in your initial message, and it IS relevant.

You can state that the "canonical names" for the reverse DNS entries
you want to leave to are in some domain which you then either
delegate or forward to  This is as described in RFC 2317.

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
This message is not an official statement of COSPO policies.

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