named crashing with too many open files

Ben Stern bstern at
Fri Oct 27 20:33:28 UTC 2000

On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 04:24:44PM -0400, Kevin Darcy wrote:
> Try running /usr/proc/bin/pfiles on named's PID to see what the rlimit is *actually* set to. It
> will also show you which of those open files are ttys, sockets, FIFO's, regular files, etc. which
> may help to troubleshoot the problem.
When the limit is set to 512, named is successfully limiting itself to 512
open files, almost all of which are sockets and all of which are (according
to lsof) to different ports on 3 specific servers.

> By the way, why are you *lowering* the limit to try to fix this problem?
I was making the presumption that if I throttled named, it would cease
trying to open extra files.  I'll move it to 1024 (the current system limit)
and see if that helps.

Ben Stern

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