named crashing with too many open files

Ben Stern bstern at
Fri Oct 27 22:03:12 UTC 2000

On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 05:54:05PM -0400, Kevin Darcy wrote:
> > What can I do to convince named not to spend all of it's open files on these
> > hosts, but instead do something useful, like answer queries?
> You could mark them as bogus. See the "server" statement.
That's a really good idea.  Thanks!

> However, if you're exhausting hundreds of file descriptors on these servers,
> chances are that you *need* to talk to them. If so, then you may have to deal
> with the underlying problem -- why you can't talk to them or they can't (or
> won't) answer you.
True, true.  I'll see if I can poke around a little more.

Ben Stern

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