named crashing with too many open files

Ben Stern bstern at
Fri Oct 27 22:32:49 UTC 2000

On Fri, Oct 27, 2000 at 11:20:15PM +0100, Jim Reid wrote:
> >>>>> "Ben" == Ben Stern <bstern at> writes:
>     Ben> I'm running bind-8.2.2p5 on Solaris 7, and I've increased the
>     Ben> number of per-process files to 1024, with the line set
>     Ben> rlim_fd_cur=1024 in /etc/system, and I even told bind to
>     Ben> limit itself to 512 files with options { ...  files 512; };
>     Ben> but named keeps running out of file handles:
> It's running out of file descriptors. File handles are something
> completely different. 512 file descriptors should be more than enough
> for most applications: especially a name server. If it's not enough,
> you must be doing something silly or unreasonable, like have a few
> hundred (virtual) network interfaces on the system. [named will need 2
> descriptors per interface: one listening for TCP queries and one for
> UDP.] Get hold of the PD tool lsof (list open files) and find out
> where all those files descriptors used by the name server are going.

Checked that, it's open sockets to a few servers.  I increased the files to
1024, it's kinda working right now, but may still die.  BTW, there is only
one interface that it's listening on.

Thanks, tho.

Ben Stern

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