bind-9 and static

Dave Wreski dave at
Thu Sep 21 04:20:31 UTC 2000

> > Yes, I understood that. I agree the overhead wasn't exactly a desired
> > effect. I was interested in learning more about it as well as thinking
> > that thinking that since it would be running as an unprivilged user the
> > likelyhood of installing an suid or other potential avenue for exploit
> > would be reduced. (I also understand that it would probably be just as
> > easy for the cracker to bring his own libc with him...)
> > 
> 	Never take an executable that has not been designed for suid
> 	operation and set the suid bit.  Static vs dynamic linking
> 	won't make a difference to the potential vunerabilities caused
> 	by doing this.

Whoa, for clarification, I never meant my comments above to even remotely
imply I would arbitrarily be adding suid to a binary!

> 	For named-xfer to run in the chroot jail it needs to have the
> 	shared libraries in the jail as well.  If you statically link
> 	it there are less things you have to put in the jail for it to
> 	work.

Yes, and when I built the bind-8.2.2p5 SRPM back in like March, I
statically-compiled named-xfer as well ;)

Thanks again,

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