dns configuration, please help! (fwd)

Bob Vance bobvance at alumni.caltech.edu
Sun Sep 24 15:02:55 UTC 2000

Did you look at syslog and dump 'named's data to look for any problems?

In this e-mail, you have shown a typo in your conf file.
You have referenced an absolute pathname, instead of the relative

>zone "lrxms.net" in {
type master;
file "/pz/lrxms.net";

>;zone for lrxms.net
> IN NS n3byy.lrxms.net.

I do not see an "A" record for "n3byy"

>I also setup a file called db.127.0.0 in the
>/var/named/pz directory as shown below.
>;; zone file for lrxms.net

    Wrong comment :)
>@ SOA ns1.lrxms.net.  hostmaster.lrxms.net. (
>2000092304 ; serial,today's date + today's serial
>10800 ;refresh 3 hours
>3600  ; retry 1 hour
>604800  ; expire 1 week
>86400 ) ;minimum TTL 1 day
> IN NS   ns1.lrxms.net. ; init address of name server

I don't see "ns1" defined in the "lrxms.net." zone data.

>I was told that you actually had to have a box named dns or ns etc.

It absolutely is not a requirement -- the name can be anything.
But, anyway, it does not have to match the 'hostname' of your system.
None of my nameservers actually have a hostname of "ns", yet the various
zones are delegated to "ns.blah.blah" .
So, e.g., one of my zones starts as:

@   IN  SOA    ...
    IN  NS  ns.lab.sbm.com.
; nameserver and his "real" identity
ns              IN  A ;
mercury         IN  A ;

So just use the name for the NS record that your ISP recommends --
and that's what should be used when registering the domain.

>I did read one interesting bit of info on the Linux Doc site that
>actually says to run two named servers. One for the internal machines
>and one for the external machines.

Search the list archive for "split" DNS.  There is a lot of discussion
about this.  Basically 2 processes and 2 named.conf files.
One process listens on the "inside" NIC, and the other listens on the
"outside" NIC and dispenses only those names of interest to the
Internet, such as "www", "ftp", "ns" :) , and MX records for receiving

Tks        | <mailto:Bob_Vance at sbm.com>
BV         | <mailto:bobvance at alumni.caltech.edu>
Sr. Technical Consultant,  SBM, A Gates/Arrow Co.
Vox 770-623-3430           11455 Lakefield Dr.
Fax 770-623-3429           Duluth, GA 30097-1511

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Howell [mailto:showell at n3byy.yi.org]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 4:58 PM
To: bobvance at alumni.caltech.edu
Subject: dns configuration, please help! (fwd)

Bob, thanks for answering my questions. Here is the problem with my
in more detail and the configuration files.

Any help would be appreciated. I think I am getting some conflicting

I was told that you actually had to have a box named dns or ns etc. This
machine runs the named server.
If you could clear up the following for me, I'd really appreciate it.

I am running aimlessly in circles at this point so I killed named for
since its even more hosed then it was before.<G> I think I got to get
figured out before it goes live.

I did read one interesting bit of info on the Linux Doc site that
says to run two named servers. One for the internal machines and one for
the external machines.
Hmmm, more to add to the mix.

I've rtfmed, looked on Linux doc site, and haven't quite found the

Here's what I am trying to acoomplish.

I registered a domain called lrxms.net.  I am trying to setup named
version 8.2.2-p5.
I setup named.conf as shown below.

#  // Config file for caching only name server

  options {
directory "/var/named";
check-name master warn;
query-source port 53;

zone "lrxms.net" in {
type master;
file "/pz/lrxms.net";
zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa"

type master;
file "pz/db.127.0.0";
zone "." in {
type hint;
file "db.cache";

I then setup a zone file in /var/named/pz called lrxms.net as shown

;zone for lrxms.net
@   IN  SOA  n3byy.lrxms.net. hostmaster.lrxms.net. (
2000092304       ; Serial
10800      ; Refresh after 3 hours
3600      ; Retry 1 hour
604800      ; Expire after 1 week
86400 )     ; Minimum TTL of 1 day
 IN NS n3byy.lrxms.net.
; host address canonical names
localhost.lrxms.net.   IN A
@   IN A
mail   IN   a
pop   IN   A
ftp   IN   A
www   IN   A
;  aliases
wh.lrxms.net.   IN CNAME     lrxms.net.
wh216.lrxms.net.   IN A     lrxms.net.
lrxms.net.   IN   MX   10   lrxms.net.
lrxms.net.   IN   MX   20   lrxms.net.

I also setup a file called db.127.0.0 in the /var/named/pz directory as
shown below.

;; zone file for lrxms.net
@ SOA ns1.lrxms.net.  hostmaster.lrxms.net. (
2000092304 ; serial,today's date + today's serial
10800 ;refresh 3 hours
3600  ; retry 1 hour
604800  ; expire 1 week
86400 ) ;minimum TTL 1 day
 IN NS   ns1.lrxms.net. ; init address of name server  IN   PTR   localhost.

My ISP is Speakeasy and my ip they gave me is and they
they would setup the reverse for me.

Here is also my hosts file from /etc.

# hosts		This file describes a number of hostname-to-address
#		mappings for the TCP/IP subsystem.  It is mostly
#		used at boot time, when no name servers are running.
#		On small systems, this file can be used instead of a
#		"named" name server.  Just add the names, addresses
#		and any aliases to this file...
# By the way, Arnt Gulbrandsen <agulbra at nvg.unit.no> says that
# should NEVER be named with the name of the machine.  It causes
# for some (stupid) programs, irc and reputedly talk. :^)

# For loopbacking.	localhost	 	n3byy.yi.org n3byy		n3byy.yi.org  n3byy		magnum  magnum		lka  lka		mscrash  mscrash		netups   netups
# End of hosts.

I currently have one box handling dns, ftp, http, etc. and this box also
is the firewall and router for the internal machine.

I eventually want to setup a separate firewall which will forward
everything to the server.

Problems I am having is that nslookup can't find the local host, I get
error from named a sysquery error, and things generally seem broken.

I probably messed with the zone files to much.<G>

I now understand that a physical machine such as n3byy has to be the
registered host i.e. n3byy.lrxms.net in order for dns to work properly
although typically it would be ns1.lrxms.net, but would rather not
the machine.

I sure could use some help in straightening things out here. I thought I
had things working, but once it seemed ok, it stopped functioning.

I registered my domain with registerfree.com and I had to have a primary
name server and a secondary. I don't have a secondary unless it would be
speakeasy so I put n3byy.lrxms.net and ns1.lrxms.net knowing there's no

I need a solution for that I had to put two and I was told that putting
n3byy.lrxms.net as a primary and secondary is not going to work.

So, if this message is totally confusing or you'd prefer to call me my
number is (301) 483-0107.

I would be greatful for any help.  I am connected by a DSL line.

If I have left anything out here, please let me know.

Thanks for reading this confusing msg.

Btw, yes, I can ping any and all machines on the network.

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