BIND > returning hosts based on client requests

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Sep 29 14:27:49 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Dan" == Hubbard, Dan <dhubbard at> writes:

    Dan> We would like to change our DNS so it returns a different
    Dan> hostname based on where the request is coming from. Many
    Dan> Global Load Balancing solutions base this on IANA #'s. Any
    Dan> ideas on how to set this up with BIND ? We would like to add
    Dan> a list of possible networks with the corresponding hostname
    Dan> that would be returned if the query came from that netblock.

I think you meant "return a different IP address" rather than
"hostname". The way to do this in BIND is with a sortlist{} clause in
the options{} statement. This can get the name server to return a
sorted list of IP addresses for some host based on the order that is
"best" for the client making the request. There are also commercial
products like Distributed Director from Cisco which do something

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