RR and rrset

Len Conrad LConrad at Go2France.com
Sat Apr 7 16:44:37 UTC 2001

>What's the difference between the terms
>     "RR"

short for Resource Record, a DNS data record

>and "rrset"

"rrset-order" is an option in named.conf for controlling the physical 
order of records returned by named, when an answer contains set of 
records (vs just one RR)

http://www.isc.org/products/BIND/docs/config/options.html search rrset

also, RRset explained here in context of dynamic updating: 


http://MenAndMice.com/DNS-training Austin,TX: 23,24/04; SFO,CA: 
http://BIND8NT.MEIway.com : ISC BIND 8.2.3 "NT3" for NT4 & W2K
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