"include" statements inside views

Maximo Ramos maximo at violadores.org
Tue Apr 10 17:59:34 UTC 2001


I just read the thread about this, is there any workaround?
I have a server that is hosting like 50 domains or more, but the owner
wishes to use one domain for his local network (192.168.1.X) along
with DDNS and DHCP.

I first tried the following:

view "internal" {
        match-clients {; 127.0.0/24; };

        zone "domain.com" in {
        file "zone/db.domain-internal.com";

view "external" {
	match-clients { any; };

	zone "domain.com" in {
	file "zone/db.domain-external.com";

zone "otherdomain-1.com" { .......... };
zone "otherdomain-2.com" { .......... };
include "/etc/dns/moredomains";

But I got the error about having zones outside the views, then I tried
putting all that extra info inside the external view, but includes are not

Any workaround for this?

best regards to all!

Maximo Ramos

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